Winsor & Newton Winton Oil Colour 200ml

Winton Oil Colour has been developed to provide the highest quality colours at an affordable price. The application of traditional skills and modern colour chemistry techniques has resulted in a range of carefully selected Winton Oil Colours. This has been achieved by replacing some of the more costly traditional pigments with excellent modern alternatives that give high quality at an economical price.
The Winton range has a more uniform consistency than Artists' Oil Colour and is slightly stiffer. It offers excellent retention of brush and palette knife strokes.
- Lemon Yellow Hue (346)0127767 - #094376910377Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 300 g
- Cadmium Lemon Hue (087)0127640 - #0094376910414Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 270 g
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue (119)0127686 - #094376910438Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 350 g
- Chrome Yellow Hue (149)0127698 - #0094376910469Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 390 g
- Cadmium Yellow Hue (109)0127678 - #0934769104834Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 340 g
- Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue (115)0127680 - #0094376910490Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 310 g
- Cadmium Orange Hue (090)0127644 - #0094376910513Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 340 g
- Flesh Tint (257)0127727 - #0094376910551Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 400 g
- Scarlet Lake (603)0127832 - #0094376910582Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 360 g
- Cadmium Red Hue (095)0127652 - #0094376910629Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 390 g
- Vermilion Hue (682)0127872 - #0094376910643Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 410 g
- Cadmium Scarlet Hue (107)0074130 - #884955074787Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 350 g
- Cadmium Red Deep Hue (098)0127660 - #0094376910667Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 310 g
- Permanent Rose (502)0127787 - #0094376910711Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 350 g
- Permanent Crimson Lake (478)0127719 - #0094376910742Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 260 g
- Permanent Alizarin Crimson (468)0127610 - #0094376910001Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 270 g
- Magenta (380)0127771 - #0094376910049Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 366 g
- Cobalt Violet Hue (194)0127717 - #0094376910063Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 390 g
- Quinacridone Deep Pink (250)0074110 - #884955074763Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 330 g
- Dioxazine Purple (229)0127721 - #094376910087Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 367 g
- Cerulean Blue Hue (138)0127694 - #0094376910117Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 440 g
- Cobalt Blue Hue (179)0127709 - #0094376910148Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 389 g
- French Ultramarine (263)0127733 - #0094376910179Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 340 g
- Phthalo Blue (516)0127791 - #0094376910193Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 310 g
- Dioxazine Blue (406)0074170 - #884955074824Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 340 g
- Prussian Blue (538)0127806 - #094376910216Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 320 g
- Emerald Green (241)0127723 - #0094376910254Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 460 g
- Permanent Green Light (483)0127785 - #0094376910278Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 350 g
- Chrome Green Hue (145)0127696 - #0094376910308Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 400 g
- Viridian Hue (696)0127880 - #0094376910346Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 293 g
- Oxide of Chromium (459)0127777 - #0094376910759Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 490 g
- Dark Verdigris (405)0074160 - #884955074817Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 350 g
- Phthalocyanine Deep Green (048)0074100 - #884955074756Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 280 g
- Terre Verte (637)0127848 - #0094376910773Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 330 g
- Sap Green (599)0127830 - #0094376910797Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 280 g
- Phthalocyanine Yellow Green (403)0074150 - #884955074800Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 330 g
- Naples Yellow Hue (422)0127775 - #094376910810Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 430 g
- Yellow Ochre (744)0127898 - #0094376910841Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 330 g
- Azo Yellow Green (280)0074120 - #884955074770Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 350 g
- Raw Sienna (552)0127814 - #884955097021Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 260 g
- Light Red (362)0127769 - #884955097007Length: 62 mmWidth: 40 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 380 g
- Burnt Sienna (074)0127628 - #0094376910933Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 314 g
- Indian Red (317)0127737 - #0094376910919Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 450 g
- Azo Brown (389)0074140 - #884955074794Length: 50 mmWidth: 50 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 360 g
- Burnt Umber (076)0127636 - #094376910964Length: 62 mmWidth: 40 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 297 g
- Vandyke Brown (676)0127864 - #0094376910988Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 300 g
- Raw Umber (554)0127822 - #0094376911008Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 357 g
- Payne's Gray (465)0127783 - #0094376911022Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 400 g
- Ivory Black (331)0127741 - #094376911046Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 310 g
- Lamp Black (337)0127759 - #0094376911060Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 273 g
- Flake White Hue (242)0127725 - #094376911183Length: 49 mmWidth: 49 mmHeight: 218 mmWeight: 520 g
- Soft Mixing White (415)0245930 - #0884955083833Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 380 g
- Titanium White (644)0127856 - #0884955083758Length: 62 mmWidth: 40 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 441 g
- Zinc White (748)0127903 - #094376911220Length: 40 mmWidth: 62 mmHeight: 220 mmWeight: 492 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0127767 Lemon Yellow Hue (346) | 094376910377 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 300 |
EDP:0127640 Cadmium Lemon Hue (087) | 0094376910414 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 270 |
EDP:0127686 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue (119) | 094376910438 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 350 |
EDP:0127698 Chrome Yellow Hue (149) | 0094376910469 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 390 |
EDP:0127678 Cadmium Yellow Hue (109) | 0934769104834 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 340 |
EDP:0127680 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue (115) | 0094376910490 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 310 |
EDP:0127644 Cadmium Orange Hue (090) | 0094376910513 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 340 |
EDP:0127727 Flesh Tint (257) | 0094376910551 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 400 |
EDP:0127832 Scarlet Lake (603) | 0094376910582 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 360 |
EDP:0127652 Cadmium Red Hue (095) | 0094376910629 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 390 |
EDP:0127872 Vermilion Hue (682) | 0094376910643 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 410 |
EDP:0074130 Cadmium Scarlet Hue (107) | 884955074787 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 350 |
EDP:0127660 Cadmium Red Deep Hue (098) | 0094376910667 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 310 |
EDP:0127787 Permanent Rose (502) | 0094376910711 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 350 |
EDP:0127719 Permanent Crimson Lake (478) | 0094376910742 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 260 |
EDP:0127610 Permanent Alizarin Crimson (468) | 0094376910001 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 270 |
EDP:0127771 Magenta (380) | 0094376910049 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 366 |
EDP:0127717 Cobalt Violet Hue (194) | 0094376910063 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 390 |
EDP:0074110 Quinacridone Deep Pink (250) | 884955074763 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 330 |
EDP:0127721 Dioxazine Purple (229) | 094376910087 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 367 |
EDP:0127694 Cerulean Blue Hue (138) | 0094376910117 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 440 |
EDP:0127709 Cobalt Blue Hue (179) | 0094376910148 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 389 |
EDP:0127733 French Ultramarine (263) | 0094376910179 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 340 |
EDP:0127791 Phthalo Blue (516) | 0094376910193 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 310 |
EDP:0074170 Dioxazine Blue (406) | 884955074824 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 340 |
EDP:0127806 Prussian Blue (538) | 094376910216 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 320 |
EDP:0127723 Emerald Green (241) | 0094376910254 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 460 |
EDP:0127785 Permanent Green Light (483) | 0094376910278 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 350 |
EDP:0127696 Chrome Green Hue (145) | 0094376910308 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 400 |
EDP:0127880 Viridian Hue (696) | 0094376910346 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 293 |
EDP:0127777 Oxide of Chromium (459) | 0094376910759 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 490 |
EDP:0074160 Dark Verdigris (405) | 884955074817 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 350 |
EDP:0074100 Phthalocyanine Deep Green (048) | 884955074756 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 280 |
EDP:0127848 Terre Verte (637) | 0094376910773 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 330 |
EDP:0127830 Sap Green (599) | 0094376910797 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 280 |
EDP:0074150 Phthalocyanine Yellow Green (403) | 884955074800 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 330 |
EDP:0127775 Naples Yellow Hue (422) | 094376910810 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 430 |
EDP:0127898 Yellow Ochre (744) | 0094376910841 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 330 |
EDP:0074120 Azo Yellow Green (280) | 884955074770 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 350 |
EDP:0127814 Raw Sienna (552) | 884955097021 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 260 |
EDP:0127769 Light Red (362) | 884955097007 | 62 | 40 | 220 | 380 |
EDP:0127628 Burnt Sienna (074) | 0094376910933 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 314 |
EDP:0127737 Indian Red (317) | 0094376910919 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 450 |
EDP:0074140 Azo Brown (389) | 884955074794 | 50 | 50 | 220 | 360 |
EDP:0127636 Burnt Umber (076) | 094376910964 | 62 | 40 | 220 | 297 |
EDP:0127864 Vandyke Brown (676) | 0094376910988 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 300 |
EDP:0127822 Raw Umber (554) | 0094376911008 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 357 |
EDP:0127783 Payne's Gray (465) | 0094376911022 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 400 |
EDP:0127741 Ivory Black (331) | 094376911046 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 310 |
EDP:0127759 Lamp Black (337) | 0094376911060 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 273 |
EDP:0127725 Flake White Hue (242) | 094376911183 | 49 | 49 | 218 | 520 |
EDP:0245930 Soft Mixing White (415) | 0884955083833 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 380 |
EDP:0127856 Titanium White (644) | 0884955083758 | 62 | 40 | 220 | 441 |
EDP:0127903 Zinc White (748) | 094376911220 | 40 | 62 | 220 | 492 |