Winsor & Newton Calligraphy Inks 30ml

Winsor & Newton Calligraphy Inks 30ml
Winsor & Newton Calligraphy Inks have been formulated to provide the artist with an unrivalled level of permanence and quality. All the Calligraphy Ink colours have a permanence rating of AA or A. The formulations of the Inks are non waterproof ensuring they are non clogging and have good flow characteristics when used in a Fountain or Dip pen.
Winsor & Newton Calligraphy Inks have been formulated to provide the artist with an unrivalled level of permanence and quality. All the Calligraphy Ink colours have a permanence rating of AA or A. The formulations of the Inks are non waterproof ensuring they are non clogging and have good flow characteristics when used in a Fountain or Dip pen.
- Lemon Yellow (345)0244040 - #0094376907155Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Winsor Yellow (730)0244090 - #0094376907162Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Scarlet (601)0244060 - #0094376907179Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Crimson (203)0243990 - #094376907186Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 108 g
- Violet (688)0244080 - #0094376907193Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Dark Blue (222)0244000 - #0094376907216Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Light Blue (350)0244050 - #0094376907209Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Green (289)0244010 - #0094376907278Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 100 g
- Leaf Green (341)0244030 - #0094376907223Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Yellow Ochre (744)0244100 - #0094376907247Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Indian Red (317)0244020 - #0094376907254Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 100 g
- Sepia (609)0244070 - #0094376907261Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Blue Black (034)0243980 - #0094376907230Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 110 g
- Black (030)0243970 - #0094376907285Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 108 g
- Black (Matt) (030)0244110 - #0094376907315Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 120 g
- White (Matt) (702)0244140 - #0094376907322Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 120 g
- Silver (Metallic) (617)0244130 - #0094376907308Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 113 g
- Gold (Metallic) (283)0244120 - #0094376907292Length: 45 mmWidth: 45 mmHeight: 60 mmWeight: 114 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0244040 Lemon Yellow (345) | 0094376907155 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244090 Winsor Yellow (730) | 0094376907162 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244060 Scarlet (601) | 0094376907179 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0243990 Crimson (203) | 094376907186 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 108 |
EDP:0244080 Violet (688) | 0094376907193 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244000 Dark Blue (222) | 0094376907216 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244050 Light Blue (350) | 0094376907209 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244010 Green (289) | 0094376907278 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 100 |
EDP:0244030 Leaf Green (341) | 0094376907223 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244100 Yellow Ochre (744) | 0094376907247 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0244020 Indian Red (317) | 0094376907254 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 100 |
EDP:0244070 Sepia (609) | 0094376907261 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0243980 Blue Black (034) | 0094376907230 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 110 |
EDP:0243970 Black (030) | 0094376907285 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 108 |
EDP:0244110 Black (Matt) (030) | 0094376907315 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 120 |
EDP:0244140 White (Matt) (702) | 0094376907322 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 120 |
EDP:0244130 Silver (Metallic) (617) | 0094376907308 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 113 |
EDP:0244120 Gold (Metallic) (283) | 0094376907292 | 45 | 45 | 60 | 114 |
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