Artfusion Presentation Portfolios

Artfusion Presentation Portfolios

Art Fusion Portfolios are attractive portfolios with a smart leather look.

This range of portfolios feature a strong ring mechanism to hold work securely in place.

The A3 sizes features 3 rings, and the A2 size features 6 rings.

The metal corners protect the external case corners and an internal pocket keeps extra documents handy.

The Art Fusion Portfolio has a smooth running heavy nylon zip.

Available in black in A3 and A2 size.

  • A2
    EDP: 0377350
  • A3
    EDP: 0377360
  • A2
    0377350 - #9311960377356
    Length: 490 mm
    Width: 660 mm
    Height: 45 mm
    Weight: 2000 g
  • A3
    0377360 - #9311960377363
    Length: 470 mm
    Width: 380 mm
    Height: 45 mm
    Weight: 880 g