Charbonnel Etching Inks 60ml

Charbonnel Etching Inks 60ml
Intricate detail and subtle inflections come to life with Charbonnel Traditional Inks. The top choice of the most exacting printmakers, Charbonnel inks feature pigments chosen for their low acidity and exceptional light fastness. Blended with top quality oils and carefully milled to ensure trouble free printing , these are the inks of choice for exquisite, lasting works of art.
The range of Charbonnel colours has been redesigned by the laboratory to increase their qualities and obtain a more balanced colour chart. Some colours have been improved in terms of power, wiping properties and lighfastness. New metalic colours such as gold and silver have been added to the range.
Intricate detail and subtle inflections come to life with Charbonnel Traditional Inks. The top choice of the most exacting printmakers, Charbonnel inks feature pigments chosen for their low acidity and exceptional light fastness. Blended with top quality oils and carefully milled to ensure trouble free printing , these are the inks of choice for exquisite, lasting works of art.
The range of Charbonnel colours has been redesigned by the laboratory to increase their qualities and obtain a more balanced colour chart. Some colours have been improved in terms of power, wiping properties and lighfastness. New metalic colours such as gold and silver have been added to the range.
- Lemon Yellow0384930 - #3013643015208Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Primrose Yellow0384938 - #3013643015215Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Permanent Yellow Lake0384936 - #3013643015222Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Deep Yellow0384906 - #3013643015239Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Indian Yellow0384928 - #3013643318651Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Apricot Yellow0384918 - #3013643318668Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Nasturtium Yellow0384956 - #3013643318675Length: 31 mmWidth: 51 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 100 g
- Vermillion Red0384946 - #3013643015277Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Cardinal Red0384920 - #3013643015291Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Warm Red0384952 - #3013643015284Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Madder Lake0384950 - #3013643015338Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Ruby Red0384962 - #3013643318729Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Carmine0384948 - #3013643015307Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Geranium Red0384924 - #3013643015321Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Solferino Violet0384964 - #3013643015345Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Permanent Violet0384958 - #3013643015352Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Cerulean Blue0384882 - #3013643015413Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Ultramarine0384900 - #3013643015390Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Cobalt Blue0384884 - #3013643015406Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Ocean Blue0384932 - #3013643015420Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Orient Blue0384910 - #3013643015376Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Concentra Blue0384954 - #3013643318774Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Prussian Blue0384912 - #3013643015383Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Turquoise Blue0384898 - #3013643015437Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Spring Green0384944 - #3013643015444Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Permanent Green0384960 - #3013643015451Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Medium Green0384908 - #3013643318873Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Sap Green0384940 - #3013643318880Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Permanent Viridian Lake0384934 - #3013643015499Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Raw Sienna0384888 - #3013643015512Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Yellow Ochre0384870 - #3013643015505Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Burnt Umber0384878 - #3013643015529Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Sanguine0384892 - #3013643015536Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Red Ochre0384866 - #3013643015550Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Burnt Sienna0384876 - #3013643015543Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Raw Umber0384890 - #3013643015598Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Van Dyke Brown0384916 - #3013643015604Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Warm Sepia0384902 - #3013643015567Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Raw Sepia0384886 - #3013643015574Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Bistre0384872 - #3013643015581Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Payne's Grey0384864 - #3013643015611Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Black 559810384874 - #3013643015673Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Carbon Black0384880 - #3013643015666Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Soft Black0384868 - #3013643015642Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Snow White ti0384896 - #3013643015703Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Transparent Lake White0384914 - #3013643015710Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Covering White RS0384904 - #3013643015697Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Snow White rs0384894 - #3013643015680Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Gold0384926 - #3013643015628Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
- Silver0384942 - #3013643015635Length: 50 mmWidth: 30 mmHeight: 130 mmWeight: 110 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0384930 Lemon Yellow | 3013643015208 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384938 Primrose Yellow | 3013643015215 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384936 Permanent Yellow Lake | 3013643015222 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384906 Deep Yellow | 3013643015239 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384928 Indian Yellow | 3013643318651 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384918 Apricot Yellow | 3013643318668 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384956 Nasturtium Yellow | 3013643318675 | 31 | 51 | 130 | 100 |
EDP:0384946 Vermillion Red | 3013643015277 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384920 Cardinal Red | 3013643015291 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384952 Warm Red | 3013643015284 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384950 Madder Lake | 3013643015338 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384962 Ruby Red | 3013643318729 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384948 Carmine | 3013643015307 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384924 Geranium Red | 3013643015321 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384964 Solferino Violet | 3013643015345 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384958 Permanent Violet | 3013643015352 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384882 Cerulean Blue | 3013643015413 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384900 Ultramarine | 3013643015390 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384884 Cobalt Blue | 3013643015406 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384932 Ocean Blue | 3013643015420 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384910 Orient Blue | 3013643015376 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384954 Concentra Blue | 3013643318774 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384912 Prussian Blue | 3013643015383 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384898 Turquoise Blue | 3013643015437 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384944 Spring Green | 3013643015444 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384960 Permanent Green | 3013643015451 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384908 Medium Green | 3013643318873 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384940 Sap Green | 3013643318880 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384934 Permanent Viridian Lake | 3013643015499 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384888 Raw Sienna | 3013643015512 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384870 Yellow Ochre | 3013643015505 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384878 Burnt Umber | 3013643015529 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384892 Sanguine | 3013643015536 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384866 Red Ochre | 3013643015550 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384876 Burnt Sienna | 3013643015543 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384890 Raw Umber | 3013643015598 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384916 Van Dyke Brown | 3013643015604 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384902 Warm Sepia | 3013643015567 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384886 Raw Sepia | 3013643015574 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384872 Bistre | 3013643015581 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384864 Payne's Grey | 3013643015611 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384874 Black 55981 | 3013643015673 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384880 Carbon Black | 3013643015666 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384868 Soft Black | 3013643015642 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384896 Snow White ti | 3013643015703 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384914 Transparent Lake White | 3013643015710 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384904 Covering White RS | 3013643015697 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384894 Snow White rs | 3013643015680 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384926 Gold | 3013643015628 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |
EDP:0384942 Silver | 3013643015635 | 50 | 30 | 130 | 110 |