Winsor & Newton Series 7 Sable Brushes

Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Brush was created in 1866 by order of Her Majesty Queen Victoria to produce the world’s finest watercolour brush.
Series 7 is the world’s finest watercolour brush manufactured from the finest pure Kolinsky sable hair in rust-proof, seamless nickel plated ferrules with black polished handles.
Series 7 is made for those who understand that the quality of the brush will be reflected in the quality of their work.
The quality is evident when the brush point stays crisp and pointed during use with the perfect degree of spring for control.
The colour flows evenly and consistently from the point, with enough colour carrying capacity in the belly of the brush to allow flowing gestural strokes.
- Size 0000123350 - #0094376861112Length: 5 mmWidth: 5 mmHeight: 183 mmWeight: 10 g
- Size 000123358 - #0094376861105Length: 5 mmWidth: 5 mmHeight: 184 mmWeight: 10 g
- Size 00123366 - #0094376860979Length: 5 mmWidth: 5 mmHeight: 187 mmWeight: 1 g
- Size 10123374 - #0094376860986Length: 5 mmWidth: 5 mmHeight: 190 mmWeight: 12 g
- Size 20123382 - #0094376860993Length: 6 mmWidth: 6 mmHeight: 195 mmWeight: 10 g
- Size 30123400 - #0094376861006Length: 6 mmWidth: 6 mmHeight: 195 mmWeight: 10 g
- Size 40123405 - #0094376861013Length: 7 mmWidth: 7 mmHeight: 199 mmWeight: 11 g
- Size 50123412 - #0094376861020Length: 7 mmWidth: 7 mmHeight: 203 mmWeight: 79 g
- Size 60123420 - #0094376861037Length: 8 mmWidth: 8 mmHeight: 206 mmWeight: 10 g
- Size 70123438 - #0094376861044Length: 8 mmWidth: 8 mmHeight: 236 mmWeight: 16 g
- Size 80123446 - #0094376861051Length: 9 mmWidth: 9 mmHeight: 238 mmWeight: 16 g
- Size 90123454 - #0094376861068Length: 10 mmWidth: 10 mmHeight: 296 mmWeight: 16 g
- Size 100123462 - #0094376861075Length: 11 mmWidth: 11 mmHeight: 300 mmWeight: 28 g
- Size 120123470 - #0094376861082Length: 13 mmWidth: 13 mmHeight: 305 mmWeight: 380 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0123350 Size 000 | 0094376861112 | 5 | 5 | 183 | 10 |
EDP:0123358 Size 00 | 0094376861105 | 5 | 5 | 184 | 10 |
EDP:0123366 Size 0 | 0094376860979 | 5 | 5 | 187 | 1 |
EDP:0123374 Size 1 | 0094376860986 | 5 | 5 | 190 | 12 |
EDP:0123382 Size 2 | 0094376860993 | 6 | 6 | 195 | 10 |
EDP:0123400 Size 3 | 0094376861006 | 6 | 6 | 195 | 10 |
EDP:0123405 Size 4 | 0094376861013 | 7 | 7 | 199 | 11 |
EDP:0123412 Size 5 | 0094376861020 | 7 | 7 | 203 | 79 |
EDP:0123420 Size 6 | 0094376861037 | 8 | 8 | 206 | 10 |
EDP:0123438 Size 7 | 0094376861044 | 8 | 8 | 236 | 16 |
EDP:0123446 Size 8 | 0094376861051 | 9 | 9 | 238 | 16 |
EDP:0123454 Size 9 | 0094376861068 | 10 | 10 | 296 | 16 |
EDP:0123462 Size 10 | 0094376861075 | 11 | 11 | 300 | 28 |
EDP:0123470 Size 12 | 0094376861082 | 13 | 13 | 305 | 380 |