Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers

Real Watercolour Paint in a pen!
Highly Pigmented & Lightfast. Twin tipped Watercolour Markers with a soft flexible brush tip one end and a fine point at the other, allowing for a range of line thicknesses and strokes to be achieved.
Watercolour Markers are easy to blend - just add water!
They are fully intermixable with Winsor & Newton Watercolour tubes, Watercolour Markers and Mediums. Transportable for use on-the-go as easily as in the studio.
Delivering remarkable precision and colour performance, Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers are an exciting new addition to the artists’ palette.
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue (119)0407380 - #0884955032688Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cadmium Yellow Hue (109)0407378 - #0884955032701Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Gamboge Hue (266)0407386 - #0884955032695Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cadmium Orange Hue (090)0407370 - #0884955032718Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cadmium Red Pale Hue (103)0407376 - #0884955032725Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cadmium Red Hue (095)0407372 - #0884955032732Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cadmium Red Deep Hue (098)0407374 - #0884955032749Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Pale Rose (461)0407404 - #0884955032770Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Alizarin Crimson Hue (003)0407362 - #0884955032756Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Permanent Rose (502)0407408 - #0884955032763Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 17 g
- Quinacridone Magenta (545)0407420 - #0884955032817Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Mauve (398)0407400 - #0884955032794Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Dioxazine Violet (231)0407384 - #0884955032800Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Mid Blue (401)0407402 - #0884955032824Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Phthalo Blue (Red Shade) (514)0407410 - #0884955032831Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Prussian Blue Hue (541)0407418 - #0884955032848Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) (515)0407412 - #0884955032886Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Cerulean Blue Hue (139)0407382 - #0884955032855Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Turquoise (654)0407430 - #0884955032862Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Phthalo Green (522)0407416 - #0884955032893Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) (521)0407414 - #0884955032916Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Hookers Green Dark (312)0407390 - #0884955032909Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Hookers Green (311)0407388 - #0884955032961Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Sap Green (599)0407426 - #0884955032923Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Yellow Ochre (744)0407432 - #0884955032930Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Raw Sienna (552)0407422 - #0884955032947Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Burnt Sienna (074)0407366 - #0884955032978Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Burnt Red (061)0407364 - #0884955033067Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Raw Umber (554)0407424 - #0884955032985Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Burnt Umber (076)0407368 - #0884955032992Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Sepia (609)0407428 - #0884955033012Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 17 g
- Indigo (322)0407392 - #0884955033029Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Payne's Grey (465)0407406 - #0884955033036Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Ivory Black (331)0407394 - #0884955033043Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
- Lamp Black (337)0407396 - #0884955033050Length: 150 mmWidth: 17 mmHeight: 15 mmWeight: 16 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0407380 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue (119) | 0884955032688 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407378 Cadmium Yellow Hue (109) | 0884955032701 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407386 Gamboge Hue (266) | 0884955032695 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407370 Cadmium Orange Hue (090) | 0884955032718 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407376 Cadmium Red Pale Hue (103) | 0884955032725 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407372 Cadmium Red Hue (095) | 0884955032732 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407374 Cadmium Red Deep Hue (098) | 0884955032749 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407404 Pale Rose (461) | 0884955032770 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407362 Alizarin Crimson Hue (003) | 0884955032756 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407408 Permanent Rose (502) | 0884955032763 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 17 |
EDP:0407420 Quinacridone Magenta (545) | 0884955032817 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407400 Mauve (398) | 0884955032794 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407384 Dioxazine Violet (231) | 0884955032800 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407402 Mid Blue (401) | 0884955032824 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407410 Phthalo Blue (Red Shade) (514) | 0884955032831 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407418 Prussian Blue Hue (541) | 0884955032848 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407412 Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) (515) | 0884955032886 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407382 Cerulean Blue Hue (139) | 0884955032855 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407430 Turquoise (654) | 0884955032862 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407416 Phthalo Green (522) | 0884955032893 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407414 Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) (521) | 0884955032916 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407390 Hookers Green Dark (312) | 0884955032909 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407388 Hookers Green (311) | 0884955032961 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407426 Sap Green (599) | 0884955032923 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407432 Yellow Ochre (744) | 0884955032930 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407422 Raw Sienna (552) | 0884955032947 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407366 Burnt Sienna (074) | 0884955032978 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407364 Burnt Red (061) | 0884955033067 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407424 Raw Umber (554) | 0884955032985 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407368 Burnt Umber (076) | 0884955032992 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407428 Sepia (609) | 0884955033012 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 17 |
EDP:0407392 Indigo (322) | 0884955033029 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407406 Payne's Grey (465) | 0884955033036 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407394 Ivory Black (331) | 0884955033043 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
EDP:0407396 Lamp Black (337) | 0884955033050 | 150 | 17 | 15 | 16 |
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